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Frequently Asked Questions

What is my mailing address?

Room ___
Falmouth Hall
Imperial College London
Princes Gardens
South Kensington

Room ___
Keogh Hall
Imperial College London
Princes Gardens
South Kensington

What happens if I get locked out?

During the day, go to the hall office on the Ground Floor to be let back into your room. Between 18.00 and 08.00 Monday - Friday, and at any time during the weekend, go to Imperial Security or call 020 7589 1000 or 4444 (internal).

The first time you make this mistake, we will let you in without any penalty. For the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, ..., you will be fined £5, £10, £15, ...

How do I report faults or request repairs?

Send an email to southside.defects@imperial.ac.uk with the necessary details.